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Swiss Bayonets

As with Swiss Rifles, there is very little accurate information available in English about Swiss Bayonets.  The most popular bayonet book Bayonet from Janzen's Notebook, has numerous mistakes.  The information below has been compiled from Atlas de la baonnette de collection: volume 1 and Atlas de la baonnette de collection: volume 2 by Jean Pierre Vial, Hand- und Faustfeuerwaffen: Schwieizerische Ordonnanz 1817 bis 1975, and Die Repetiergewehre Der Schwiez by Christian Reinhart, Kurt Sallaz, & Michael am Rhyn. 

Vetterli Bayonets

Model 1863 

Blade Length - 19" (482mm)
Handle Length - N/A
Total Length - 21.65" (550mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .735 (18.7mm)
Issued with: Vetterli Model 1869
Manufacturers: Unknown

Description:  The models 1863 and 1871 bayonets were very similar in appearance.  However, the 1871 is said to be slightly longer, with a more industrial (?) finish.  One way to distinguish the two is the 1871 scabbard has a leather tab for attaching a frog.

Model 1871 Socket Bayonet - Similar in appearance to Model 1863 Bayonet

Blade Length - 19" (482.5mm)
Handle Length - N/A
Total Length - 21.65" (550mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .735" (18.7mm)
Issued with: Vetterli Model 1869/71, Model 1871 Stutzer
Manufacturers: Unknown

Description:  The models 1863 and 1871 bayonets were very similar in appearance.  However, the 1871 is said to be slightly longer, with a more industrial (?) finish.  

Model 1878 Sawback Bayonet -
see Model 1881 picture

Blade Length - 18.9" (480mm)
Handle Length - 4.37 " (111mm)
Total Length - 23.6" (600mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .725" (18mm)
Issued with: Vetterli Model 1878
Manufacturers: SIG Neuhausen

Description:  The Model 1878 Bayonet is a huge blade, and when mounted on a Vetterli, the combination stands 6 feet in height.  The 1878, along with the 1881 and 1887 are mounted on the right side of the Vetterli, much like a socket bayonet, rather than under the barrel.  It should be noted the 1878 is fullered one one side only.  Also, the 1878s,1881s and 1887s came in both sawtooth and straightback variations.  Other variations also existed.  Some 1878 had rivets in the fuller.  A musician variants existed where the handle groove was filled in and the muzzle ring lacked the contours to fit around the Vetterli's front sight (see picture).  Another variation filled in both the muzzle ring and the handle groove.   Finally a border guard variant with a shorter 18.8" (470mm) straight back blade variant and a fuller on both sides of the blade also existed.

Model 1881

Blade Length - 18.9" (480mm)
Handle Length - 4.37 " (111mm)
Total Length - 23.6" (600mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .725" (18mm)
Issued with: Vetterli Model 1881
Manufacturers: SIG Neuhausen

Description:  The Model 1881 differs from the 1878 in only minor ways.  First the crossbar on the Model 1881 is 7mm thick rather than 6mm.  Second, the metal pieces on the Model 1881's scabbard were held on with rivets rather than wire.

Model 1887 Sawback Bayonet

Blade Length - 18.9" (480mm)
Handle Length - 4.37" (111mm)
Total Length - 23.6" (600mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .725" (18mm)
Issued with: Vetterli Models ???
Manufacturers: Unknown

Description:  The Model 1887 differs from the 1881 in that the handle is held on with three rather than four rivets.  Like the 1878, variations existed with rivets in the fuller, and filled in handle grooves and muzzle rings.  Also, a police model existed where the sawteeth had been filed off.

Comparison of handle differences between the Models 1878 & 1887

              Model 1878 Left            &            Model 1887 Right      


Schmidt-Rubin Bayonets

Model 1889 Bayonet

Blade Length - 11.73" (298mm)
Handle Length - 4.37" (111mm)
Total Length - 16.5" (420mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .59" (15mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1889, 1896/11
Manufacturers: Waffenfabrik Neuhausen, SIG Neuhausen

Description:  The Model 1889 bayonet served as the pattern for the US Krag bayonet.  It is single edged and fullered on both sides.  However, their were problems with the bayonet staying in the scabbard leading to the modifications made to the Models 1899 and 1889/18.

Model 1889/1892  

Blade Length - 15.3" (388mm)
Handle Length - N/A`
Total Length - 19.88" (505mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .58" (15mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1889, 1896/11, 1897 Kadet Rifle, 1900 Short Rifle, 1911 Carbine
Manufacturers: Unknown

Description:  Description:  The Model 1889/1892 were converted from older 1863 and 1871 bayonets.  The conversion was accomplished by removing the socket, adding a crosspiece, and welding a locking piece to the end of the bayonet..  Note the leather loop used to retain the bayonet in it's scabbard. 

Model 1889/18 Bayonet (AKA: The Model 1889/96 or 1889/99)

Blade Length - 11.73" (298mm)
Handle Length - 4.37" (111mm)
Total Length - 16.5" (420mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .56"(14mm) .595" (15mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Model 1896/11s, K11s
Manufacturer: Waffenfabrik Neuhausen, MF Bern

Description:  In order to help retain the scabbard a rivet was added to the right fuller of the Model 1889.  Rivet sizes came in 6mm and 9mm diameters.  

These bayonets remain something of a mystery.  While it seems likely these bayonets were converted from Model 1889 bayonets in the early 1900s, it's also been claimed the conversion was done in the 1940s.  There are at least two reported instances of matched 1896/11 rifles and 1889/96 bayonets, and given the unlikelihood of a accidental match, the early 1900s conversion seems more likely.  The designation Model 1889/18 was given to the bayonet in the late 1940s, decades after it was originally issue, although it is believed prior to being granted the designation, these bayonets were simply referred to as Model 1889s.  Contrary to what some published sources claim, these bayonets were generally not issued with K31s (although exceptions may exist.)

In addition to having a rivet added to the fuller, in at least some bayonets had a bushing added to the muzzle ring, in order to fit the carbine barrels.   

Model 1899  - (Sometimes referred to as the Model 1889/11 or 1911)

Blade Length - 11.73" (298mm)
Handle Length - 4.37" (111mm)
Total Length - 16.5" (420mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .595" (15mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1896/11, 1911 Rifle, 1911 Carbine
Manufacturers: Waffenfabrik Neuhausen

Description:  Various sources have given this bayonet a variety of names.  Official Swiss records refer to his bayonet as both the Model 1899 and Model 1911.  As the bayonet was first issued in the late 1890s, the designation 1899 would seem to be more correct.  

 As noted above, the Model 1899 added an arresting bar in the fuller to help keep the bayonet in the scabbard.  Note: the arresting bar is in both fullers.

Model 1906 Pioneer Bayonet 

Blade Length - 18.9" (480mm)
Handle Length - 4.9 " (124mm)
Total Length -  24" (610mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .56" (14.2mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1896/11, 1900 Short Rifle, 1911 Carbine
Manufacturers: SIG Neuhausen

Description:  The Model 1906 Pioneer bayonet was the result of putting a wooden handle, similar to the one used on the Model 1918, on a Vetterli blade.  The author is uncertain as to whether the conversion was limited to sawtooth bayonets.

Model 1914 Pioneer Bayonet - Often mistakenly referred to as 1911 Pioneer

Blade Length - 18.9" (480mm)
Handle Length - 4.9" (124mm)
Total Length -  24" (610mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .56" (14.2mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1911 Carbine, K31
Manufacturers: Elsener Schwyz, H.S., H.St., Waffenfabrik Neuhausen

Description:  The Model 1914 differs from earlier sawtooth models with the addition of the bulge at the end of the blade.  Also, the 1914 is fullered on only one side.  A musician's variant also exists, where the handle groove is filled in.

The Model 1914 was issued to only select troops.  When issued with K31s the were issued to:

- Genie Truppen
-Fahrerkorporale und beritten Wacthmeister der Artillerie
(Driver Corporals and mounted artillery Sergeants)
-Hufschmeid, Hufschmeid -Gefreite, -Korporal, -wacthmeister
(blacksmiths,  blacksmith Private First Classes or lance corporal, blacksmith Sergeants.)
-Trainsoldaten, traingefreite, trainkorporal, trainwacthmeister
(Horse transport soldiers, PFCs, corporals and sergeants)
(Saddle makers)
- Fahrer Feld Artillerie, Fahrer Feld Haubitze, Fahrer Schwer Feld Haubitze,
(Drivers for Motorized Field Artillery, Howitzers and Heavy Howitzers)

Model 1918 Bayonet

Blade Length - 11.81" (300mm)
Handle Length - 5" (124mm)
Total Length - 17" (431m)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .56" (14mm)
Issued with : Schmidt-Rubin Models 1911 Carbine, K31
Manufacturer: Waffenfabrik Neuhausen, Elsener Schwyz (AKA Victorinox)

Description:  The Model 1918 has a double-edged blade and lacks a fuller.  A variant exists in the form of the Model 1918/55.  The 1918/55 has a 1918 blade fitted on a  handle which is similar (but not identical) to the one used on the Model 1914..

Top 1918 Bottom: 1918/55

Later Model Bayonets

Model 1957 Pattern Bayonet

Blade Length - 9.4" (239mm)
Handle Length - 4.88" (124mm)
Total Length - 14.6" (370mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .885" (22mm)
Issued with : Stgw.57
Manufacturer: Waffenfabrik Neuhausen, Wenger

Description:  Model 1957 Bayonet's frog dispensed with the leather strap previously mounted on the scabbard.  Instead, the frog had it's own strap to attach to the metal loop on the scabbard.  The Model 1957 is double-edged and unfullered

Stg.90 Bayonet

Blade Length - 7.0" ( (177mm)
Handle Length - 4.88" (124mm)
Total Length - 12.2" (310mm)
Muzzle Ring Diameter - .885" (22mm)
Issued with : Stg.90
Manufacturer: Vicotrinox, Wenger

This bayonet is issued with the Stg.90 Assault Rifle.  The blade is single-edge, with the false edge not sharpened.  Only one side of the blade is ground.  The reverse side is flat.  The frog is made from rubberized cloth.  Unlike most of the previous models of bayonets, the Stg.90 bayonet is strictly utilitarian.

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